Saturday was a great adventure with one of my favorite riding partners, Susan Hageman. We both ride a lot and we have bonded as a riding team. She lives in Topeka, so we don’t get to ride together much, but we did in up right on this day.
We met in Junction City, Kansas at the Harley dealer. She was getting a new battery installed in her bike. Where do we go? Don’t know, I told her to choose the route. We both love to seek out adventure and she was the expert on Kansas. We went north a ways, then west, then back north. I’d ridden about 300 miles by then, having left home just after 6am.
We stopped at an intersection around 10:30 and I told her she had about a half hour to find us a hamburger. Off we went toward Concordia, Kansas. Pulled into town right on schedule and she did a search for “bars” in town. Up pops a listing for the “Country Honky Tonk Bar”. Well, how can you lose? Never mind.

We arrive at a very rough looking place with a few cars in front at 11am. Not good indicator. “For Sale” sign in the window. I don’t know. Susan went in first and asked if they served food and they do. I told her I was reluctant to eat at a place that was for sale. She replied that we might get fed Frito pie, but we could eat.
We walked in to find a very old looking couple who were very nice. The little old lady reminded me of Granny from the Beverly Hillbillies. She was bright and full of spunk. They had an electric cooker full of goulash. I asked the lady if their hamburgers were any good. She leaned in and said firmly, “They’re the best”. That was all we needed to hear. We each got cheeseburgers and split some fries. The burgers were heavenly. They took a long time to cook. They were plump and juicy. The bun melted right into the meat.

So, next time you are near Concordia, Kansas, be sure to stop in for a burger. Tell them the two women riding motorcycles sent you. They each had to go outside to ogle the bikes. They are great people. After lunch, we meandered to Lincoln to Fort Western so Susan could get some waterproof gortex boots. My day was over at 512 miles, Susan rode on west to get another hundred miles in for the day. Life is great riding with a good friend and excellent riding partner. We move together like skilled dancers. We pass vehicles changing lanes right together, never breaking our positions. Really enjoyed the day, looking forward to next time.
Sounds like a great ride with your friend Susan.
It was great. I wish you were closer, we would love to have you with us. Thanks for participating.